How Can Thumb Sucking Impact My Child’s Teeth?

Infants have a suckling response that frequently prolongs past the first years of life. Thumb sucking is a natural extension of that reflex, usually used by babies and toddlers when they feel unconfident or need comforting to reach rest or de-stress. While sucking on thumbs may help the child deal with difficult circumstances, as soon as teeth come in, continuous thumb sucking can impact the child’s oral wellness.

Thumb sucking as a Normal Part of Youth

Children who aren’t provided with a pacifier will certainly utilize finger-sucking or thumb sucking as a form of comfort at going to bed or during times of stress and anxiety or pain. This is normally acceptable till the primary teeth begin to come in. At this point, most babies have found other methods of self-soothing. But it isn’t unusual for toddlers and also young children to use their thumbs in place of a pacifier or bottle until at least 4 years of ages. Hereafter, thumb sucking can begin to trigger issues.

Problems Relating to Thumb sucking

A child’s grown-up teeth emerge between the ages of 5-7. However, thumb sucking can start to damage the mouth before teeth ever appear. Thumb sucking can cause adjustments in the palate (roof of the mouth) and jaw and can impact when the teeth appear via the gums. The continuous stress can additionally change how the teeth line up when they ultimately do come through. It isn’t unusual for thumb suckers to develop bite issues, consisting of an open bite that takes place when an area develops in between the lower and upper teeth. This can make it tough to eat. Placing fingers of thumbs into the mouth exposes your kid to germs that can boost the likelihood of infections or health problems.

Long-Term Affects of Thumb Sucking

Kids who continue to suck their thumbs over an extended period of time face dental problems that can follow them into the adult years. Teeth can be pushed out, causing overbites or underbites, and the need for dental braces. Kids can also experience speech problems when their teeth come in incorrectly or change positions.
The physical impacts of thumb sucking can be irritating and lasting. Yet the emotional effect of thumb sucking can also have an affect. While peer pressure commonly keeps school-age children from sucking their fingers or thumbs in course, children often find the habit tough to break.

Tips to Stop Thumb Sucking

  • Rewards: Create a reward system for your child.
  • Communication: Be straightforward with your kid. Younger kids may not comprehend the adverse influence of thumb sucking, yet older youngsters need to recognize the damages that their practice can trigger gradually.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Stay positive! After going with a long time without the thumb, your child may return to thumb sucking once again at some point. Constantly commend your youngster for their development.

If you have any questions related to thumb sucking dental issues or about pediatric dentistry, please feel free to call us. If you would like to schedule a pediatric dental visit, give us a call at 316-681-3228.