Athletic Mouth Guards

As the parent of an athlete, you know the importance of ensuring your child has the right protective gear to help prevent injuries. With up to 40 percent of sports-related injuries in children involving the face, a custom-fit mouth guard is crucial to protect your child’s beautiful smile.

Why Choose Us

  • We have four talented pediatric dentists
  • We have an amazing team who love small faces and big smiles
  • Parents love the fun and positive experience for their kids

What Is a Mouth Guard?

A mouthguard is an essential piece of athletic gear. It’s a flexible device that fits comfortably over the teeth to protect your child’s teeth, tongue, lips, face, and jaw. Hits and injuries are unfortunately common in sports, but a mouthguard can minimize the damage done by a blow to the face. The most common types of injuries include broken teeth and cut lips. Mouthguards can even help protect against brain injury and limit the seriousness of a concussion.

High-contact sports like football and hockey aren’t the only activities that require mouthguards. Children can also sustain injuries from skateboarding, gymnastics, mountain biking, or any physical activity where a mouth injury may occur. It’s better to play it safe and get your child a custom mouthguard to prevent injury and keep their smile intact. We may also suggest a mouthguard if your child wears braces.

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What Are the Benefits of Custom-Made Mouthguards?

Children who play any sport, contact or non-contact, can benefit from a mouthguard’s protection. These are the advantages of a high-quality custom mouthguard:

  • Provides an exact fit to prevent the device from moving or slipping out of place
  • Custom fits prevent gum irritation
  • Cushions the teeth to prevent fractures and dislocations
  • Protects top and bottom teeth from forceful contact with each other
  • Prevents cuts and bruises from impact to the face
  • Reduces the risk of brain injury
  • Protects the lower jaw from fractures or other damage from impact
  • Helps to protect against neck injuries
  • Limits the risk of soft tissue damage
  • We can accommodate wires in braces to prevent them from causing damage during an impact

Mouthguards can’t prevent all injuries, but they act as a buffer to minimize damage caused by physical contact or flying objects that deliver a blow to the face or jaw. Wearing a mouthguard can help your child feel safe and protected so they can focus on playing to the best of their ability instead of worrying about getting hurt.

Dr. Stephen P. Moore

Dr. David J. Brown

Dr. Trey K. Anderson

Dr. Amrita Khemka

How Is a Custom Mouthguard Made?

Custom-made mouthguards are significantly better than pre-formed and boil-and-bite mouthguards found at local retailers or Amazon. They have the perfect fit for maximum comfort and protection. They are one-of-a-kind and designed specifically for your child. The best mouthguards are durable, resilient, and tear-resistant. A mouthguard should never restrict breathing or speech.

Making a mouthguard customized to your child’s mouth is simple and easy. You just need to make an appointment to visit our office to see one of our pediatric dentists. Our dental team will take an impression of your child’s mouth and send it to the lab to create the mouthguard.

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Cleaning a Mouthguard

Our team will provide clear instructions on maintaining and cleaning your child’s custom mouthguard. Dirty mouthguards can harbor bacteria that can cause problems if worn. 

Replacing a Mouthguard

Mouthguards can wear down with time, making it necessary to replace them occasionally. Getting a new one each season is ideal to ensure your child has the most effective protection. Frequent replacement can also be necessary to ensure a proper fit. Children and adolescents grow rapidly, and a change in fit can increase the risk of injury. Have your child attend regular dental visits for cleanings and to learn when your child requires a mouthguard replacement.

Best of the best the staff and Doctors are so so amazing!!!!! My girls get super excited when they hear we have appointments there! My girls love Dr. Anderson!!!! Definitely recommend!!!!!!

-Elena C.

Schedule an Appointment

At ICTeeth, we have a fantastic team of pediatric dentists available to create custom mouthguards for your children. Make an appointment today to get your child fitted for a custom mouthguard. Doing so provides extra protection and can help alleviate your fears of your child getting injured while participating in the activity they love.

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