General Dentistry

At IC Teeth, our team is dedicated to providing thorough dental care for children of all ages. That means we do everything from routine exams and cleanings to specialized treatments tailored to your child’s unique needs. Our goal is to promote healthy smiles and happy patients in a fun and friendly environment.

Why Choose Us

  • We have four talented pediatric dentists
  • We have an amazing team who love small faces and big smiles
  • Parents love the fun and positive experience for their kids

Pediatric Dental Exams

Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining optimal oral health, even for baby teeth. During a pediatric dental exam, we will carefully examine your child’s teeth, gums, and overall oral structures. We will assess their dental development, identify any potential issues or concerns, and provide personalized recommendations for ongoing care and treatment.

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Professional Cleanings

Dental cleanings prevent tooth decay and gum disease from developing. Our skilled and friendly dental hygienists will gently remove plaque and tartar buildup from your child’s teeth, while interacting with them in a way that will make them feel comfortable and happy to be in the chair. We’ll also provide guidance of proper brushing and flossing techniques to help your child keep their smile fresh, clean, and healthy.

Dr. Stephen P. Moore

Dr. David J. Brown

Dr. Trey K. Anderson

Dr. Amrita Khemka

Dental X-Rays

Dental x-rays are taken during the visit to help us detect hidden dental problems such as cavities, tooth decay, and developmental issues. We use state-of-the-art digital radiography technology to minimize radiation exposure and to obtain clear, detailed images of your child’s teeth and jaw. This enables us to provide accurate diagnoses and develop effective treatment plans tailored to your child’s needs.

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Preventive Treatments

Prevention is key to maintaining a healthy smile for life. In addition to regular exams and cleanings, we offer a variety of preventive treatments to protect your child’s teeth from decay and damage. These may include dental sealants, fluoride treatments, and customized mouthguards for sports and nighttime teeth grinding.

Patient Education

At IC Teeth, we believe in empowering children to understand and take control of their oral health. Our friendly dental team will take the time to educate them about the importance of good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing, flossing, and eating a balanced diet. We use age-appropriate language and interactive tools to make learning about oral health fun and engaging for children of all ages.

So thankful for the patient and fun staff here! My son (3) was very nervous at first, but the hygienist was creative and helped him acclimate. By the end, he was very happy.

-Susanna D.

Specialized Care

In addition to general dental services, our pediatric dentists are trained to address the unique needs of children, including those with special needs or dental anxiety. We offer gentle, compassionate care in a supportive environment designed to help children feel comfortable and relaxed during their dental visits.

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